About us
Fizikal management solution was created to give best solutions to growing fitness market in Poland.We see the huge potential and observe the growth of the fitness market in the last 4 years, we are impressed by the locations, nice design and the improvement of equipment clubs turn to buy, look and feel and creating great atmosphere to attract clients.
With all of the above, we still think the people who will manage, train and educate the market should be in top priority to gain more know-how.
We realize the needs of fitness clubs to improve in 4 main areas:
Management, Marketing, Sales and Personal Training sector.
All this sectors are the engines to make the club successful and generating good return on investment to club owners, simply say: make more money!!!
Why us?
We are the only international company run by team of professionals.We present management solutions for fitness clubs helping clubs to max their results with our unique Fizikal on-line system.
Our goal is to help your club to gain:
1. More members.
2. More income.
3. More profits.
4 main facts you must know about us:
1. We develop a formula to improve and max results:
CMS- Customer Management System, we put the client in the centre as they are the only source of income, we focus on potential clients, your members and their friends, we create more traffic to club and make sure members spend more money in every visit.
2. We operate more than 18 years – we have huge experience developing, running, training and supporting clubs include Poland like:
Get fit fitness, Fabrika Formi, Kolaseum, Bella Line, Good-luck, Rio fitness, O2 fitness, club Oasis, River view...
We developed 12 management system - each one can help clubs make more money.
3. More than 600 clubs use our System all over the world:
HolmesPlace international chain (www.holmesplace.com) include Poland,
Fitness Mlyn- (www.fitnessmlyn.pl) and many others- they never quit and they have good reason for it.
4. The founder- Ilan Shapira was the CEO of HolmesPlace Poland and have 20 years of management experience in international markets.
We understand clubs needs and help them find their uniqueness in the growing competitive market.
Ilan is writing articles for BodyLife magazine and making lectures in biggest fitness fairs.
How do we do it?
Fizikal on-line system: software which focus on personal client relations, Sales and Club management.We give you much more:
1. Share international knowledge and standards according to your club needs.
2. Give you high level trainings, focus on club results.
3. Monitor and give feedback to improve.
4. Give on-going support and flexibility for changes.
Our guaranty for success:
Like in good workout-we believe that “Practise make it Perfect”, we make sure you fully implement the knowledge and training we give you on daily basis with our “Fizikal on-Line system”.